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Mariam Shakarashvili

Born 1993 in Tbilisi

Education – Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, direction of painting (Bachelor, Masters degree 2011-2017)

Workplace – artistic director and curator of the Dresden international exhibition „Kultur.Synchron“ festival Palais Sommer (since 2019)

Invited teacher at Tbilisi State Art Academy (since 2019)

Curator and co-founder of ADAMIA GALLERY, partner organization ars longa Kunst und Kulturmanagement, Director Simone Lade (since 2021)

Founder of Aleko Adamia International „Residence in Dresden“ (since 2022)

Teacher of drawing and painting at Tbilisi Art School (2019-2020)

Mariam Shakarashvilis Kunst

„Je feindseliger die Kritik,
desto mehr sollte der Künstler ermutigt sein“

- Marcel Duchamp (1887 – 1968)
Französisch – Amerikanischer Maler und Objektkünstler

Galerie Hampel
Schillerstraße 29b
68723 Schwetzingen

Mobil: 0175/5180660